Topology (Lecture 1,2,3,4)

Lecture 1

In this lecture, we will majorly provide informal definitions and try to give an overview of the concepts without any rigor. 

What is topology as a subject?

It's the study of topological properties of topological spaces. Topological properties are those which can be expressed using continuity. On the other hand, topological spaces resemble spaces that have some notion of closeness (We will get back to it in a few moments). It is interesting to note that there exist spaces that have the notion of closeness but are not metric spaces. For instance, we have pointwise convergence of a sequence of functions. In the space of functions, $\{f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}\}$, suppose we have the sequence $\{f_n\}$ such that 
$\lim\limits_{n\to \infty}f_n(t)=g(t)$ 
Here we get a glimpse of closeness but the space is not a metric space.

But what is Nearness?
If $U$ is open in $X$ and $x\in U$, then all $y$ that are "sufficiently near" $x$, satisfy $y\in U$.

Topological spaces

Say $X$ is a set. We define a topology on $X$ as a collection of subsets of $X$, $\tau$ such that
1. Both $\phi$ and $X$ are in $\tau$.
2. Arbitrary Unions: For $\{U_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}$ such that $U_{\alpha}\subset X$ where $\alpha\in J$, then,  $\displaystyle{\bigcup_{\alpha\in J}U_{\alpha}}\subset X$.

All the members of $\tau$ are open sets.

Let's have a look at some examples.


1. Standard topology: $\tau=\{U\subseteq X :\forall x,  \exists \epsilon >0| B_{\epsilon}(x)\subseteq X\}$
2. Discrete Topology: $\tau$ is the collection of all the subsets of $X$
3. Trivial Topology: $\tau=\{\phi,X\}$
4. Co-finite Topology: $\tau=\{U\subseteq X : X\backslash U <\infty \text{ or } X\}$

Let's now try to show that Co-finite topology does form a topology.
1. We can see that $\phi\in \tau$ as $X\backslash \phi = X $ and $X\backslash X = \phi$ is finite.
2. Consider a set of subsets $\{U_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}$. If all the sets are empty, then clearly $\displaystyle{\bigcup_{\alpha\in J}}U_{\alpha}\subseteq \tau$. However, if there is some non-empty $U_{\beta}$, then $X\backslash U_{\beta}$ is finite. We note that $X\backslash\displaystyle{\bigcup_{\alpha\in J}U_{\alpha}}=\displaystyle{\bigcap_{\alpha\in J}}(X\backslash U_{\alpha}) = X\backslash U_{\beta}$, which is finite.
3. Consider a set of subsets $\{U_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in J}$. If any one of them is empty, then $\displaystyle{\bigcap_{\alpha\in J}}U_{\alpha} = \phi$, thus this case becomes trivial.
If all of them are non-empty, then $X\backslash \displaystyle{\bigcap_{\alpha\in J}}U_{\alpha}=\displaystyle{\bigcup_{\alpha\in J}(X\backslash U_{\alpha}})$ 

Definition: Suppose for a set $X$, we have two topologies, $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$. We say that $\tau_1$ is courser than $\tau_2$ if $\tau_1\subseteq\tau_2$.

Lecture 2

Now let's focus on some of the newer terms we will get to hear.

Basis: Consider a set $X$. We say that a collection of subsets of $X$, $\beta$ is a basis of $X$, if it satisfies the following properties.
1. Covering property:  $X=\bigcup_{B\in \beta}\{B\}$
2. Gluing property: For $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$, if $\exists \beta_3$, such that $\beta_3\in\beta_1\cup\beta_2$.

Topology generated by a basis: For a basis $\beta$, we have the topology as
$\tau_{\beta}=\{\bigcup_{c\in C}c|C\subseteq \beta\}$

Now is this even a topology? Let's try to prove it.

1. We note that $\phi\in\tau_{\beta}$ and $X\in \tau_{\beta}$ 
2. Consider a collection of elements from $\tau_{\beta}$,$\{V_{\alpha}\}$. Now note that $V_{\alpha}=\bigcup\limits_{c\in C}c$. Now any arbitrary union 
$\bigcup\limits_{\alpha}V_{\alpha}=\bigcup\limits_{\alpha}\left(\bigcup\limits_{c\in C_{\alpha}}c\right)$ 
3. For finite intersections, say we have $V$ and $W$. Now 
$V\cap W=(\cup C_V)\cap(\cup C_W)$
Now we will have 
$V\cap W\subseteq \bigcup\limits_{c\in C_V\cap C_W}c\subseteq V\cap W$.
Therefore it indeed is a topology.

Now let's talk about $\tau_{\beta}'=\{U\in X|\exists B\in\beta|x\in B\in U\}$

It is interesting to note that the topologies $\tau_{\beta}$ and $\tau_{\beta}'$ define the same topology.

Lemma: Consider a topological space $(X,\tau_X)$.  Now consider a collection of subsets of $X$, $\mathbf{C}$ such that $\forall U\subset X$, if $x\in U$, then $\exists C\in\mathbf{C}$ such that $x\in C\in U$, then $x\in C\in U$. Then the set $\mathbf{C}$ is a basis on $X$ which generates $\tau_{X}$

It is worth noting that $\mathbf{C}$ is indeed a basis. I will later prove that $\mathbf{C}$ indeed generates $\tau_{X}$. (Maybe I'll prove this later)

Now, we may have a natural question: When do two bases generate the same topology? This brings us to the lemma,

Lemma: Consider two basis, $\beta_1$, and $\beta_2$. We say that $\tau_{\beta_1}\subseteq\tau_{\beta_2}$ if for every $x\in X$, such that $x\in B_1\in\beta_1 $, we have a $B_2\in \beta_{2}$ such that $x\in B_1\in B_2$. 

Let's try to prove it

$\Rightarrow :$ For any $x\in X$, such that $x\in B_1\in\beta_1$ then $\exists B_2\in\beta_2 $ such that $x\in B_2\in B_1$. 

Assume $x\in B_1\in U$ where $U\in \tau_{\beta_1}$. We have to show that $U\in \tau_{\beta_2}$. Now $x\in B_1\in U$. Also, $B_2\in B_1$ for some $B_2\in\beta_2$. Note that by definition, $U\in \tau_{\beta_2}$. Therefore $\tau_{\beta_2}\subseteq\tau{\beta_1}$

$\Leftarrow :$ $\tau_{\beta_1}\subseteq\tau{\beta_2}$. 
Say $x\in B_1\in \beta_1$. We need to show that we have a $B_2\in\beta_2$, such that $B_2\in B_1$. Now $B_1$ is open in $\tau_{\beta_1}$, therefore is open in $\tau_{\beta_2}$. Therefore, there exists $U\in \beta_2$ such that $x\in U\in B_1$. This $U$ is $B_2$. $\blacksquare$

Definition: Say $X$ is a set. We say $S$ is a sub-basis of $X$ which is a collection of subsets of $X$ whose union gives us $X$. 

The topology generated by $S$, $\tau_{S}$, is the set of all the unions of the finite intersections of the members of the set $S$. 

Lemma: The collection of all the finite intersections $B=S_1\cup S_2\cup S_3\cup \ldots S_n$, forms a basis on $X$. (Too lazy to prove it now :( Maybe sometime later)

Lecture 3

Constructing topological spaces

Subspace topology

Definition: Suppose we have a set $X$ and we have $Y\subset X$, then we define the subset topology as the following
$\tau_Y=\{U\cap Y|U\in \tau_X\}$

Now is this a topology? Let's try to figure it out.

1. $\phi\in U\cap\phi$ ($\phi\in \tau_X$) and $Y=Y\cap X$ ($Y\subset \tau_X$) 
2. Arbitrary Union: Consider $\{V_i\}$ where each $V_i\in \tau_{Y}$ and $V_i=Y\cap U_i$. Now 
$\bigcup\limits_{i}(Y\cap U_i)=Y\cap\left(\bigcup\limits_{i} U_i\right)$
3. Finite intersection: Say $V_1,V_2\in\tau_Y$. Now
$V_1\cap V_2=\left(U_i\cap Y\right)\cap\left(U_j\cap Y\right)\Rightarrow Y\cap (U_i\cap U_j)$

Lemma: Say $Y\subset X$ and $U\subset Y$ is an open set in $Y$ and $Y$ is open in $X$, then $U$ is open $X$.

Yet another lemma: Suppose $U\subset Y$ and $Y\subset X$. Then the subspace topology on $U$ from $Y$ is the same as the subspace topology on $U$ from $X$ 

Finite products

Consider two topological spaces $(X,\tau_X),(X,\tau_Y)$, then the topology we will define on $(X\times Y)$ is the topology generated by the basis $\beta_{X\times Y}=\{U\times V|U\times \tau_X,V\in \tau_Y\}$

Another lemma: $\beta_{X\times Y}=\{B_1\times B_2|B_1\in\beta_1,B_2\in\beta_2\}$ forms a basis.

Projection maps

Consider a set of topological spaces $\{X_i,\tau_{X_i}\}$. We define the projection map
$\pi_k:\prod\limits_{i}X_i\to X_k$ such that $\pi_{k}(\{x_i\})=x_k$

Fun fact: Suppose $A\subset X$ and $B\subset Y$, $\pi_k^{-1}(A)=A\times Y$ and $\pi_k^{-1}(B)=X\times B$.

Theorem: The collection $\rho_{X\times Y}=\{\phi_X^{-1}(A)|A \in \tau_X\}\cup \{\phi_Y^{-1}(B)|B \in \tau_Y\}$ forms a sub basis of $\tau_{X\times Y}$.

Theorem: If $A\subset X$ and $B\subset Y$ then the product of the subspace topologies is the same as the topology on $X\times Y$ from $\tau_{X\times Y}$.  

Order Topology

We define order topology on an ordered set $(X,<)$ is generated by bases which are of the following form, 
1. Is the Union of open sets $(a,b)$ where $a<b$
2. Has a minimum element (Included as $[a_0,b)$)
3. Has a maximum element (Included as $(a,b_0])$

Theorem: Let $X$ be a linearly ordered set and $Y$ be a convex subset of $X$. The order topology on $Y$ is the same as the subspace topology on $Y$ from $X$.

Lecture 4

Closed sets

We call a subset $Y\subset X$ closed if $X\backslash Y$ is open

Using this idea there can be multiple examples which we can see. Like all the elements of a discrete topology are closed, $\phi , X$ are both closed.

Now let’s have a look on some of the properties of closed sets.


1. The subsets $\phi$ and $X$ are closed.

2. Finite union of closed sets is closed.

3. Arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed.

Let’s try to prove it,

1. Note that $X\backslash \phi=X$ and $X\backslash X=\phi$, and both are open

2. Consider the closed sets $U$ and $V$. Now $X\backslash (U\cup V) = (X\backslash U)\cap(X\backslash V)$. Now finite intersection of open sets is open.

3. Consider $\{V_{\alpha}\}$. Now $X\backslash \{\cup V_{\alpha}\}=\cap (X\backslash V_{\alpha})$. Now arbitrary union of open sets is open. 

Definition: We say that $U$ is closed in $Y$ if $U\subseteq Y$ and $U$ is closed under the subspace topology of $Y$. ($Y\subseteq X$)

Theorem: $U$ is closed in $Y$ iff $\exists$ some closed $A\subset X$ such that $U=Y\cap A$.

Proof:  $\Rightarrow$ 

We have the subspace topology as $\tau_{Y}=\{U\cap Y|U\subseteq X\}$. Say $A\subset Y$ is closed. This means $Y\backslash A\in \tau_{Y}$. Therefore $ Y\backslash A = U\cap Y$. Now, $Y\backslash (Y\backslash A) = Y\backslash (U\cap Y) = (Y\backslash U) = (X\backslash  U)\cap Y$.

Note that $X\backslash U$ is closed as $U$ is open.


Say $U=Y\cap A$ where $A$ is closed subset of $X$. Now clearly $U\subset Y$. Now we know that $Y$ is closed in the subspace topology of $Y$. This is because $Y=X\cap Y$ and $Y\backslash (X\cap Y)=\phi$ which is open as it is present in the topology. Hence $U$ is closed in  the subspace topology of $Y$. Therefore it is a closed set in $Y$.

Theorem: Suppose $Y\subset X$. If $Y$ is closed in $X$ and $U\subset Y$ is closed in $Y$ then $U$ is closed in $X$

Proof: Say $U$ is closed in $Y$ and $Y$ is closed in $X$. It means that $U=A\cap Y$ where $A\subset X$ is closed and $X\backslash Y$ is open which means it is in the topology of $X$. We need to show that $X\backslash U$ is also present in the topology of $X$. Let’s have a look.

$X\backslash (A\cap Y) = (X\backslash A)\cup (X\backslash Y)$. $X\backslash A$ is open and so is $X\backslash Y$. Finite union of open sets is open. Therefore $X\backslash U$ is open in $X$. Therefore $U$ is close in $X$.

Now say $U\subset X$ is closed. Also $U\subset Y$ and $Y\subset X$ is closed. We need to show that $U$  is closed in $Y$. Now $Y\backslash U = (X\backslash U )\cap Y$. Note that $Y$ is open in $Y$, and $X\backslash U$ is open as well. Therefore $U$ is closed in $Y$

Closure and interior of a set

Consider $X$ as a set. We define closure of a subset $A$ of $X$, $Cl(A)$ as the intersection of all the closed subsets of $X$ containing $A$. On the other hand, the interior of $A$, $Int(A)$ is the union of all the subsets of $X$ which are contained in $A$. From these we get a few properties.

1. If $U\subset Y\subset X$ and $U$ is open in $Y$, then $U\subset Int(Y)$

2. If $Y\subset V \subset X$ and $V$ is closed in $X$, then $Cl(Y)\subset V$.

Some Lemmas to keep you busy:

My bud, try to prove these lemmas, (Although I will give the proof as well but try it on your own for a while)

1. $X\backslash (Cl(A))=Int(X\backslash A)$

2. $X\backslash (Int(A))=Cl(X\backslash A)$

Proof (Look at these only when you have tried them already)

 1. Now we have seen that $Cl(A)=\bigcap\limits_{\alpha}K_{\alpha}$ (These sets are closed and contain $A$). Now $X\backslash \left(\bigcap\limits_{\alpha}K_{\alpha}\right)= \bigcup\limits_{\alpha}(X\backslash K_{\alpha})$. Note that the sets $(X\backslash K_{\alpha})$ are open and are the ones that do not contain the set $A$ which means, they are a subset of $X\backslash A$. Therefore by definition, it is by definition $Int(X\backslash A)$.

2. For the case of interior, we have $Y=\bigcup\limits_{\alpha}U_{\alpha}$ and the sets $U_{\alpha}$ are open in $Y$. Now $X\backslash \bigcup\limits_{\alpha}U_{\alpha} = \bigcap\limits_{\alpha}(X\backslash U_{\alpha})$. Now each $ X\backslash U_{\alpha}$ is closed and contains $X\backslash Y$. Therefore we get $Cl(X\backslash Y)$.  

Some more interesting pieces of stuff about closure property.

We say that a subspace $Y\subset X$ is dense in $X$ if $Cl(Y)=X$

Fun fact: $\mathbb{Q}$ has no interior but its closure is $\mathbb{R}$.

Say $Y\subseteq X$ and $A\subseteq Y$. Then $Cl_Y(A)=Cl_X(A)\cap Y$

Proof: We have $U\subseteq Y$ and $Y\subseteq X$. Now $Cl_Y(X)$ refers to the closure of $U$ in $Y$. Note that $Y\cap Cl_X(A)$ is closed. Now by definition, the closure must be the smallest closed set containing $A$. Therefore $ Cl_Y(A) \subseteq Cl_X(A)\cap Y$. Now we have $Cl_Y(X)=C\cap Y$ where $C\subset X$ is a closed subset. Now $A$ is contained in $Cl_X(A)$ therefore $Cl_X(A)\subset C\cap Y = U$.

Lecture 7

Metric topology:

We define a metric $d$ on a set $X$, which satisfies the following properties

1. $d(x,x)=0$


3. $d(x,z)\leq d(x,y)+d(y,z)$

We note that $x,y\in X$

We won’t be seeing these a lot in the course, but it is worth having a note.

We call epsilon balls around $x\in X$, the set $B_{\epsilon}(x)=\{y|d(x,y)<\epsilon\}$.

Definition: The metric topology defined on a set $X$ is the topology generated the basis $B$ which is simply the collection of all the epsilon balls around $x\in X$.

Definition: We call a set metrizable if there exists some metric $d$ which we can be imposed on the set $X$.

Definition: We say that a set $U\subset X$ is open if for every $y\in U$, $\exists \delta>0$ such that $B_{\delta}(x)\subseteq U$. We note that since $\delta$ can be reduced, restricting $\delta<1$, say, gives us the same metric topology.

Definition: We say that a set is bounded if there exists $M$ such that $\forall a_1,a_2\in X$, we will have $d(a_1,a_2)<M$.

Proposition: The metric $\overline{d}=\min\{d(x,y),1\}$ induces the same topology on $X$ as it is for the case of $d$.

Proof: Since for $\delta<1$, we have $d=\overline{d}$, the metric imposed by the two metrics are the same.

Proposition: Say we have two metrics $d$ and $d’$. Say the topologies imposed by them are respectively are $\tau$ and $\tau ’$.  We say that $\tau’$ is finer than $\tau$ if for each $\epsilon>0$, there exists $\delta$ such that $B_{\delta,d’}\subseteq B_{\epsilon,d}$.

Proof: Later XP

Proposition: The product topology on $\mathbb{R}$ is the same as the topologies induced by the Euclidean metric and the box metric.

Proof: It is easy to show that one metric is finer than the other metric using some standard inequalities and the previous lemma. For the second part, we can show that under square topology, if $x\in B_{\epsilon}(x)$, then we can take the set $\prod U_i$ where $U_i=(x_i-\delta,x_i+\delta)$ where $\delta<\epsilon$. Therefore we get a set $U$ such that $x\subset U \subset B_{\epsilon}(x)$. Conversely, for $x\in U$, we can take the ball $B_{\epsilon}(x)=(x_1-\epsilon,x_1+\epsilon)\times\ldots (x_n-\epsilon,x_n+\epsilon)$ where $(x_i-\epsilon,x_i+\epsilon)\subset U_i$.

 First countable axiom

Definition: We say that at a point $x\in X$, we have a countable basis if there exists countable collection of neighborhoods around $x$, $\{B_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$, such that for any neighborhood around $x$, $U$, we will have some $B_i\subset U$. A space is first countable if all the points in it is first countable. Note that any $B_n$ can be replaced with the intersection of nested neighborhoods.

This will lead us to a few ideas, like

Lemma: Every metric space is first countable (Just take $\{B_{1/n}\}$).

Lemma: Say $\{a_n\}$ converges to $x\in X$ with $a_i\in A$. Then $x\in Cl A$.

Lemma: Say $X$ is metrizable and $x\in Cl A$, then there exists a sequence $\{a_n\}$ such that $a_i\in A$ and converges to $x$.

Lemma: Suppose we have a function $f:X\to Y$, then

1. If $f$ is continuous then $f(a_n)$ converges to $f(a)$ if $a_n\to a$

2. If $X$ is first countable and $a_n\to a$ and the image sequence $f(a_n)\to f(a)$, then $f$ is continuous.

I will write the proofs for the above lemmas tomorrow. For now let's move to the next lecture.

Lecture 8

Recall equivalence relation divides a set into sections which we call equivalence classes. We define

$[x]=\{y\in X|x\tilde y\}$

We denote the set of all equivalence classes of $X$ in the following way

$X/\sim = \{[x]|x\in X\}$

The canonical surjection looks like $\pi(x)=[x]$

Lemma: Suppose we have a surjective function $f:X\to Y$. Let’s define an equivalence relation $\sim$, such that $x\sim x’$ if and only if $f(x)=f(x’)$. Now there is an induced bijection given by

$(X/\sim)\to Y$

Given by $h([x])=f(x)$. We will have an inverse $h^{-1}(y)$ which will take $y\in Y$ to $f^{-1}(y)$. That will give us $[x]$ where $x$ can be anything which satisfies $f(x)=y$. The surjection $f:X\to Y$ factors as a canonical surjection $\pi: X\to (X/\sim)$ and a bijection $h: (X/\sim)\to Y$.

We will prove this tomorrow.

Definition: Suppose we have a surjective function $f:X\to Y$, we will call the Quotient topology on $Y$ induced by $X$ as the set of all $V\subset Y$ such that $f^{-1}(V)$ is open in $X$.

Definition: We say that a map $f:X\to Y$, is a Quotient map if a quotient topology can be imposed on $Y$ from $X$.  

Lemma: Quotient map is a continuous map.

Lemma: Consider a function $f:X\to Y$ where $X$ is a topological space. Then the quotient topology defined on $Y$ is the finest topology such that $f$ is continuous.

The proof of this lemma follows from the definition.

Lemma: A surjective function $f$ is a quotient map if and only if the following condition holds: $K\subseteq Y$ is closed in $Y$ if and only if $f^{-1}(K)$ is closed in $X$.

The proof to this lemma also follows from the definition.


1. We call a function to be open if $f(U)\in \tau_{Y}$ for $U\in\tau_{X}$

2. $f$ is said to be closed if $f(C)$ is closed in $Y$ for closed $C\subset X$,


1. Each surjective open map is Quotient map.

2. Each surjective closed map is a Quotient map.


Note: We need to show that $V\subseteq Y$ is open iff $f^{-1}(V)$ is open in $X$. Same is the case for a closed set.

1. Say $V\subseteq Y$. If $V$ is open in $Y$, then by continuity, $f^{-1}(V)$ is open in $X$. Conversely, if $f^{-1}(V)$ is open in $V$, $f(f^{-1}(V))=V$ must be open in $Y$ as the map is an open map.

2. Similar is the case here, just replace open with closed.

Theorem: Say we have a quotient map $f:X\to Y$. Say $B\subset Y$ and $A=f^{-1}(B)\subset X$. Now let’s call the restriction map $g:A\to B$. Then

1. If $A$ is open/closed, then $g$ is a quotient map.

2.If the map $f$ is open/closed then $g$ is a quotient map.

Theorem: Say that we have a quotient map $f:X\to Y$. Say $Z$ is a topological space and $h:X\to Z$ is a map such that $h(x)=h(x’)$ whenever $f(x)=f(x’)$. Then there exists a unique map $g:Y\to Z$ such that $h=g\circ f$. Iff $h$ is continuous then $g$ is continuous. Also, iff it is a quotient map, then $g$ is a quotient map as well.

Proof: A few hours later maybe.

Corollary: If $h:X\to Y$ is a map and $\sim$ is an equivalence relation such that $x\sim y$ iff $h(x)=h(y)$. Say the equivalence classes are $X/\sim$. Then

1. The map $h$ induces a unique bijection $g:X/\sim\to Y$.

2. $g$ is a homomorphism if $h$ is a quotient map.

3. If $Y$ is Hausdorff, then so is $X/\sim$.

Second countable

Definition: We say that a space $X$  is second countable if there exists a countable basis which generates $\tau_X$.

Proposition: If $X$ is second countable, then it is separable.






